Do you want to support our work?
There are several ways you can help us out
We are a non-profit organization, which means that it is the dedication and financial support from our members and associates that make possible the progress of each project and the coordination of the Association.
With the funds received we finance projects on the Milanese territory: from the purchase of tailoring materials, to the creation of info-educational brochures; from organizing events to promote our associative reality to compensating people who make their skills and time available to us on a daily basis.
Abroad, donations from those who support us allow us to implement existing projects, equipping the people who work for us remotely with the necessary tools to be successful in the consolidation of the programs started. At the same time, the financial support of our supporters helps us to ensure that new projects see life, with the collaboration and involvement of competent people according to the territory in which we decide to invest our resources.